About The E Pluribus Unum Prizes

Too often the debate over the need to reform US immigration laws leaves little room for issues of immigrant integration.

The E Pluribus Unum Prizes were established in 2009 to help others learn more about this important work and to honor the efforts of those who are creating stronger, more unified and successful communities by strengthening relationships between native-born and foreign-born Americans, and by helping immigrants and their children to succeed in the United States.

The J.M. Kaplan Fund has generously provided support for these awards over the course of five years in order to focus attention on successful integration initiatives and to inspire and provide program models to others around the United States who might also undertake such efforts.

The awards program is coordinated by the Migration Policy Institute's National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy (NCIIP) - a hub for groups and individuals around the United States who seek to build their knowledge and skills in the area of immigrant integration.

An Advisory Board of experts assists the NCIIP's staff in selecting Prize winners. The Advisory Board is comprised of experts in program evaluation and/or in immigrant integration and its various subfields.

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About the NCIIP
The Migration Policy Institute's National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy is a crossroads for elected officials, researchers, state and local agency managers, grassroots leaders and activists, local service providers, and others who seek to understand and respond to the challenges and opportunities today's high rates of immigration create in local communities.

Key services the Center provides include policy-focused research; policy design; technical assistance and training for government officials and community leaders; needs assessment, program planning, and evaluation services; and an electronic resource center on immigrant integration issues.
More about NCIIP.
More about MPI.

About the J.M. Kaplan Fund
The J.M. Kaplan Fund has provided support for The E Pluribus Unum Prizes. The J.M. Kaplan Fund was founded in 1945 by Jacob Merrill Kaplan with proceeds from the sale of the Welch Grape Juice Company to a growers' cooperative that he had helped establish. The Kaplan Fund has since established a reputation for innovative philanthropy in a variety of fields. Current grant programs support work in the environment, historic preservation, and human migration on local, national, and international scales.
More about J.M. Kaplan Fund.

The E Pluribus Unum Prizes are a project of MPI's National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy.